Speak Out 12/12/11

Monday, December 12, 2011

Crime doesn't take a holiday

This is in reference to Friday's comment on the police officers being heartless for arresting a woman around Thanksgiving. Well! Crime does not take a holiday. So, we should be fortunate that law enforcement doesn't either.

Take a look at your utility bill

Has anybody noticed the artificial lowering of our utility bills lately? That's right. Comparing utility bills that I've had for nearly 25 years at my residence that's a long time to keep track of utility bills. And when you can pull them out of a file cabinet and go back month by month for nearly 25 years and compared temperature graphs to watt usage and all of that when you're an engineer and say Gee! something is just not right here. What is the reason for the artificially lowered watt usage? Hey, could it be the fact that come Jan. 1st we're going to take it all up the backside because of the implementation of the Obama energy plan? People, when our energy rates are going to double maybe even quadruple due to the implementation of carbon sequestration in coal powered energy plants across our nation, ask yourselves that, people. Are they slipping us the castor oil or better yet, how shall I say, giving us a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. Think about it. We're getting ready to bite a very, very big bullet that's gonna be more than a surprise to our pocket book come Jan. 1st. Be ready for it, people. And, I would be saying this to everybody. Warm up your computer, your pens and your telephone connection and start letting your representatives, who frankly, don't listen to anyway, and at least let them know the disgust of the games that they are playing in Washington when it comes to your utility bills. Maybe we can all do a sit in like an "Occupy" movement until the drop of utility rates something normal again. Think? Huh?

Reader requests more info in ads

Yes. I would like to make a comment about ads in the paper from businesses, especially during this Christmas holiday season. There's stores that don't necessarily have their phone number in their ad and you can't call them and find out their location. There's one in today's paper that's in the 2200 block of N. Westwood. Well, N. Westwood is a long area in this town. Westwood, itself, is a huge long street and all these businesses on these streets if they just put something-something Westwood it's very hard to find especially if you're not originally from Poplar Bluff. And so if you could put your phone numbers in the ads, we could call and say, Hey, where are you located I'd like to come to your store, you know. This is just kinda a hard town to find some of these places when you don't know your way around very well. I just thought I'd throw that out and maybe some people would, you know, take heed and put in your ad next door to or wherever you're at or something, you know. Something like that. Thank you.