Letter to the Editor

Obama set to honor a traitor

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

To the Editor:

I just read an article in the Black River Times about Jane Fonda aka Hanoi Jane is going to be honored as a Woman of the Century.

If someone did or said the things she said about our President, troops would be tried as a traitor or terrorist and would be sent to prison for 20 to Life just for using or our right to freedom of speech.

But what she did was pure unforgiving treason and the direct cause for the deaths of untold number of our vets. She should stand trial and be judged by the people she caused to be tortured or the families of the ones she caused to be put to death or beaten to death. This is tantamount to murder. No time limit for murder. Thank God no one in my family or myself were ever caught and sent to one of the camps. My family represented every branch of service.

Col. Oliver North was crucified for his part in a government operation which he was ordered to do. American vets don't ask why they follow orders. The motto is: it is not our job to ask why. Just do it or die.

This is not a good time for Mr. Obama to do this. There are a lot of votes by active duty vets and vets no longer on active duty. My vote is gone. Cutting our defense budget, stealing from the disabled and retired people. This is another step toward political suicide.

I am a DAV SSgt. USMC. 98 percent of all marines I have known would walk into hell and spit on the devil himself for his or her country.

If he honors this woman who is a traitor and murderer, he will disrespect everything our vets have fought and died for--past and future.

It is with respect to all vets, mainly the ones who had to be in the camps and see her in action. Thank you, Jenny Driscoll, for your coverage and respect you showed that day to make her look like what she was and is--a traitor to our nation and its people.

B. Hahn

Grandin, Mo.