Speak Out 11/20/11

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Eliminate O'Neal parking problem

Yes. I, too, live near O'Neal School and I think problem of parking at the O'Neal School could be partially eliminated if the teachers and personnel would park in the parking lot instead of on the street. Maybe the city should post "No Parking" signs in front of the school. At least, it wouldn't be quite as congested. Thank you.

Check the yards on North Hart

Yes, please print this. If KFVS 12 wants a sore eye they ought to come down to the ten hundred block North Hart St. There is washers and dryers in the one front yard. There's yards need mowin'. There's things that need to be picked up that the State could do and there's yard full of mess on the other side which would be 11th. So, please print this and hope they get the message. Thank you.