Speak Out 11/2/11

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

PB schools

legal costs

This is in regard to the legal costs exceeded budget Poplar Bluff R-1 school board of education. They approved a $20,000 . . . for an increase $20,000 in the budget for legal fees. They was to hold a meeting to fire two teachers and then they turn around and re-hire the other teacher. Now, if that being the problem, I feel if we went through the trouble to hold a meeting to fire them teachers, the one who made that mistake or re-hired him needs to pay the legal costs. Thank you. And, I hope you print this one.

Taking taxes,

ignoring job

It is a shame when county people call into the county to get the side of the road cut and ditches.

Then you are told they will come and don't.

The edge of the roads are five and six feet tall in some places.

They want you to pay your county taxes on time, but they ignore their job.

Traffic light

badly needed

I want to tell the city of Poplar Bluff please get a stop light put in at Oak Hill and Shelby Road. I had a close call this morning taking my grandchild to the 5th & 6th Grade Center. Please don't let some child lose their life. We need a light at this location. Thank you.

It was still

your choice

Yes, I'm calling about the article, "The Gay Picture is Disgusting," and your response about don't call us. That's what Speak Out's about. To be able to voice our opinion and you had the choice whether to put the picture in the paper or not whether the politicians voted for it or not.