Speak Out 10/11/11

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

City playing


I saw in tonight's paper, the DAR, where some contractors are wanting to forgive taxes and demolitions and fees and all that on a house on Ash Street, so he can purchase it and build another one. Well, being an owner of a couple of houses that the city tore down like that, I lost the property to the city and somebody else owns it now and I don't think it would be right after 20 some years of them doin' this to start forgivin' some contractor or some private owner for it. I say the city ought to confiscate the land. They paid for having it done and then if a guy wants to buy it at a fair market rate put the money in the coffers. That's what it's all about.

Why, taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill so this guy can turn around and sell his property that he wasn't interested in taking care of to start with. If the city's been maintaining it, as far as I'm concerned, the city owns it now. They own mine and I know several other people in town in the same foot. The city cleans it up, tears it down, they own it. So, I think this owner I don't think he owns it any more. If he wants to sell it and pay off the city finances on it, then so be it. But as far as I'm concerned, the city owns it now and the city ought to put that money right back in their coffers. The taxed people bailed out Wall Street. What are we gonna do now? Bailin' out some of these people just because they're friends with the mayor or somebody like that? I say, baloney! Take the property and put the tax money back in the coffers. Thank you and have a good day.

GOP's fault,

not Obama's

Well, all these people are talking about Obama the President. Well, I wonder what they think about these Republicans. President Bush got us into this mess and they expect Obama to go in there and get everything fixed all of a sudden. Well, if it was left up to the Republicans, they'd take everything away from us.