Speak Out 9/30/11

Friday, September 30, 2011

'I ain't payin' enough'

America is now being sold the biggest bill of goods that could ever be passed in our Congress. And, now, simply because of the fact that a very rich billionaire puts forth this wonderful idea that the rich can pay more, we can now instead of blaming Congress, who actually handles the budget, and our President, who, well let's say puts forth an agenda that forces an increase on the rich--no! no! no! We can now just all blame it on Buffett. Yes, you know that old curmudgeon. That rich son-of-a-gun who just says, well, I ain't payin' enough. Even I paid less than my secretary. What other lies are the American public going to fall for? But then, again, we do have a nuclear option ourselves. It's called voting, people. Need to do it in force and straighten out the direction our nation is plummeting into. But, I doubt if you really want to change anything when 95 percent of us are now holding our hands out due to unemployment, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, but then, again, it's all for the entitlement, isn't it? Just think about it.

Vet sad about repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell'

Sadly, as "Don't ask, don't tell," is being repealed throughout all of the military ranks, being a "once" proud veteran of this fine country of ours, I think our Commander-in-Chief and all of the top brass at the Pentagon should hang their heads in shame for allowing this event to ever have happened. How best can you destroy the morale of the military when you let the enemy in the very tent you're sleeping in? I'm sorry, but their lifestyle is deviant to nature, to God and to the military backbone. And, I mean, backbone. You've gotta have it in today's military to defend this fine nation.

But, let one of those little, fine other people get caught by an enemy and let's just see how quickly they'll crack. Name, rank and "gender," I guess, is going to be the new form of military identification. But, then again, that is the sick, and I mean, sick world that we live in. It's a sadder day in this once proud republic I fought to defend.