Speak Out 9/21/11

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Parking at

O'Neal bad

I tell you what I know parents got to pick their kids up that O'Neal School, but can't you people be a little smarter about how you park? You park on both sides of the street there wouldn't be enough room for a motorcycle hardly to go down there between the cars much less a fire truck or an ambulance. I'd like to see the City of Poplar Bluff. I' d like to see some policemen come over here every day starting around 3:30 p.m. and write him some tickets up. I think you all could get yourself a pay raise just by writing tickets. I'm sure it's not the only school like that. It's just that they live in my neighborhood or that's school's in my neighborhood and I'm really kinda tired of them people parking however they feel like it. They'll park in your driveway. They ain't got a lick of common sense or any respect for other people's property. They could all park on the same side of the street and nobody would have a problem, but NO they park willy-nilly every way. They don't care if the sign say no parking anytime they're still parked over there.