Speak Out 9/19/11

Monday, September 19, 2011

Write a letter

to the editor

I recently saw an article in Speak Out where the person was complaining about always seeing the same people in the Letters to the Editor column. People around town who just well, have a civic duty to feeling they like to write just about anything the Letter to the Editor department. And, it is truly a civic duty. Many people don't understand that. Sharing thoughts and ideas is widely and varied is a reason why the American newspaper has been such a pinnacle until recent times. So to this person who complains about always seeing the same names in the Letters to the Editor column, start writing a few yourself instead of sitting there complaining. Become a pundit. Get your thoughts and ideas out there. If you're too lazy to write a couple pages handwritten, do it on your computer. It's actually better and then they can scan the page and format it automatically for the newspaper. But get off your duff instead of complaining and become a pundit yourself instead complaining about that who do take their civic duty responsibility to heart. Share your thoughts. Share your ideas. Share your complaints with this fine city, but don't just sit there and complain unless you think that's your only civic duty.