Speak Out 9/12/11

Monday, September 12, 2011

Stay out of

others' business

This is a concerned citizen of Southeast Missouri. I would like to complain about something here is about the synthetic drugs that everybody is complaining about that causes people to pass and everything. I have not heard one person has died from this stuff. I think Gov. Nixon needs to stay out of business and furthermore, I think the American people of Poplar Bluff and the American people of Missouri needs to stand up and say enough is enough and quit telling us how to live our lives. Everybody lies. The article here on Sunday's paper, Aug. 28, is a lie. What we have not heard of 2,000 people dying or going to the hospital and I think it's a lie and I don't approve of it. If the people who's buying this stuff if they're the people that wants it let 'em buy it. This is ridiculous. I think it's stupid. I that Jay Nixon and everybody who voted for Jay Nixon needs to get their head examined. I'm not happy with this and I'm not happy with people lying in the newspaper, saying the 2,000 people died or 2,000 people is in the hospital. That's not true because my husband works at one. Thank you and have a very wonderful next couple of years as that's all we're going be seeing anyway because the world is coming to an end because of everybody wanting to . . . they wanting to do the right thing and I'm very upset about it. The reason why I'm stuttering because I think that it is not right for people to that. People needs to stay out people's business and I guarantee you one thing it's that it's gonna go down.