Speak Out 8/30/11

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Move military

to US borders

I would like to see all these military bases of the United States that are in Germany, Japan and Korea -- all over the world -- I liked to see everyone of them shut down and put or reopened or built on the Canadian and the Mexican border. I think it's safe to say we can pull our boys and girls from Japan and Germany. I think everything will be okay. It costs a lot of money to run these bases with the yen and the euro. Why don't we run them and let the American business prosper from us having military bases nearby. Thank you.

Child lives too close to ride bus

I thought it was pretty pathetic when parents had to buy copy paper for the school system as part of the school supplies, but that's the way it is. They make the rules and we just live in their world.

But, now, I was told, my child lives too close to the school for bus service. However, the next street over is where they have to go to pick up kids in the same class, the same grade. They have to go pass my house either way -- no turning around, no problem there -- to get to the kids that are technically in the district. But, you know, what the real difference is? I own my house. These are just some slummy rental houses. These people aren't paying the school property tax. And, now, boy, you better think twice about ever running for election for anything that makes up these stupid rules. I am taxpayer! That's the difference. They're going pass my house either way. God forbid that school, O'Neal, should ask for anything -- any type of donation -- in the coming three years. I'm going to tell them -- guess what? You live too close to Big Lots. Go get it yourself. Thank you.

Raise taxes

or cut expenses

Yeah, the city property tax only went up about $80 per house, but rather than cut the spending the city council would rather increase the taxes. Where are all the Tea Party people? What 'til you get the bill for 8 Points, people. Thank you.