Speak Out 8/26/11

Friday, August 26, 2011

Thanks to

the Tea Party

I want to thank the Tea Party Republicans in Congress for creating a gridlock, which just this week cost American workers 70,000 jobs when the FAA has to furlough employees and close down all of their construction projects. As well as, it may keep us from paying our military and keep you, me and all the others from enjoying the benefits from social security, Medicare and VA. Thank you.


string 'em up

Yeah, I've been a Democrat all my life and I've voted for a few Republicans in my life and I didn't regret it. They're local boys and I know 'em all--pretty good old boys-and they're just regular boys, but how anybody can vote for state, the senate or the federal government Republican is beyond my belief. This John Boehner and the rest of these Republican idiots that we've got in Congress. George Bush is the one who borrowed all the money from China for these Iraqi Wars and everything else that we've got and put us in debt. Clinton got us out of debt and George Bush got us right back in it. How anybody can vote Republican I don't know, but we ought to take everyone of them out and string 'em up and clean the whole house--Democrats, Republicans, everything. Clean 'em out and start all over again. The Tea Party--they're nuts! And, the right-wing Republicans, they're nuts and the regular Republicans they'd be alright it they'd wouldn't listen to them other people. And, the Democrats--most of them are idiots, too, and I'm a Democrat! But I tell you what, if they don't put these social security checks in the mail the third of the month, people are going to lose their electric, they ain't gonna be able to feed their kids or nothing else. And if this country defaults, China will just come right in without a bullet and take away all the stuff they already own. So, you better stop and think about it. Tell these idiots sitting there with John Boehner to go back home whenever he's from and stay there! And put somebody in there that knows what they're doing and give Obama a chance. He's been there three years. George Bush had eight years to put us in this bind. Eight years to put us in this bind. One Bush after another and Ronald Reagan he borrowed all that money too. They just borrow, borrow, borrow, but when a Democrat gets in there they won't accept taxes on the rich and help the poor old rich man and the big oil wells and stuff like that. Let's take a break! Let's take a break! Kick 'em all out! String 'em by the neck or whatever you have to do to get rid of them. Thank you.